Renal Colic – Explanations Why Real Facts

Recognizing the symptoms of protein diets is important, as you want to know about this problem as soon as possible so you can start treating it. The types of symptoms you experience will depend on the size, location and type of stones that you have. The following kidney stones symptoms are a few of the signs that often frequently accompany this ailment.

Only a minority of kidney stones require surgery to remove them, as most can be dissolved or flushed out of your body with home treatments. Unless the stones are very large, they will tend to pass through your system on their own, perhaps with the help of some medicines. In such cases, you should make sure you drink plenty of water and perhaps juices, as this will help them pass more quickly. Pain medication will probably be prescribed if you have any painful symptoms, and other medication may also be helpful to dissolve your stones. Make sure you take your doctor’s advice, consume enough fluids and watch your diet to help your stones pass as quickly as possible.

A kidney infection can be the precursor for many types of kidney stones bringing on such symptoms as fever and chills. This usually occurs with Struvite stones, which are caused by bacteria. The most common type of stones is the calcium stones not to mistaken for Struvite stones. Antibiotics are used to tread urinary infections that can lead to kidney stones. Symptoms such as fever can be treated with medicines prescribed by your doctor, or certain over the counter remedies. The symptoms of the various types of kidney stones can vary widely, this one usually includes fever and/or chills.

There are many clues you can use to determine if your symptoms are kidney stones or some other condition since the symptoms often mimic other possibilities. If you have kidney stone symptoms you will notice that no matter what position your body is in no relief is present. This is the opposite of a muscle related symptom where a simple position change can bring some relief. Renal colic can come in waves or be intermittent. While these are some of the telltale signs of the type of pain kidney stones often cause, you may have to get medical tests to find out for sure if you have them.

As you can see from this information kidney stones don’t have just one symptom there are many. As soon as your doctor has determined the severity and location or type of stones you are experiencing they will then work on creating the treatment plan that’s right for you and your stones. Small kidney stones can, in some cases, be treated homeopathically if they aren’t too large already. If you don’t pay close attention to the symptoms of kidney stones they will get worse.
